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Laravel & PHP

What Is Laravel?

Laravel is a simple PHP framework frequently used for web based or a web application development that is known for its exceptional characteristics like reliability, high performance, finer efficiency, articulated ORM systems, a multiplicity of Authentication options, expandability, modularity, facilitates caching, secure SQL processing, dedicated SQL builder, restful controller, uncomplicated coding rules, etc. This PHP framework permits the code developers for specific templating, provisioning the routing flow and database manipulation/ querying.


  • Dependency Management Dependence leadership is one of Laravel’s greatest characteristics, the key aspect of learning contemporary internet apps is to understand the service container (IoC) functionality. The most strong instrument for managing class dependencies in Laravel is the IoC (Control Invert) or service container. Dependency Injection is a means of removing and injecting hard-coded courses via a composer-like instrument.
  • Modularity he modularity is the degree of separation and recombination of the parts of a web application. You can divide the company logic into various components that work together to function a web application. It is intended for modular use, Laravel itself is also a set of parts. You can easily create and design a wide-ranging company application using a modular framework. It offers a very easy guide for the creation in the Laravel of modules or packages.
  • Authentication Authentication is a component of every contemporary web application. It can take a lot of your development time to write authentication to another framework such as Codeigniter. It offers a box authentication that allows you to build a fully functional authentication scheme using an easy command. It also provides convenient paperwork for your own authentication.
  • Caching Caching is a method for information stored on a temporary storage site and can be rapidly obtained when required. Caching is mostly used to improve the application’s efficiency. Nearly all information from perspective to paths are cached in Laravel. This reduces the processing time by helping it to increase efficiency.
  • Routing It is simple to comprehend routing in Laravel and similar to the rail frame of the Ruby. Routing of Laravel can be used for easily creating a restful application. You can group, name, filter, and connect your model information to the paths. Laravel routes can be very flexible and controlled to create search engines-friendly URLs.
  • Security An intuitive way to generate safe web apps is offered by Laravel. Instead of plain text passwords, It save all passwords as a hash. To hash passwords, It uses BCrytp. It offers SQL injection attack safety and also escapes all user entries to prevent script tags from being injected.
  • Migration System Like Ruby on Rails, It provides a migration system to build databases. Instead of using SQL, you can use PHP to write the migrants that produce your database structure. You can use these migrations to create bases, tables, and indexes. Instead, you can execute a new migration if you want to change the table column you do not need to repeat creating the table again.
  • Migration System Like Ruby on Rails, It provides a migration system to build databases. Instead of using SQL, you can use PHP to write the migrants that produce your database structure. You can use these migrations to create bases, tables, and indexes. Instead, you can execute a new migration if you want to change the table column you do not need to repeat creating the table again.